Tag #126086 - Interview #98790 (Nesim Levi)

Selected text
I was discharged in January of 1947.  I had taken a leave of absence once; for the wedding of my older sister.  I was on leave for exactly fifteen days.  I think it was at the end of 1945 or beginning of 1946.  I had one older sister in my life and it was very important to me to be present at that wedding.

During these military years, malaria happened frequently, and I contracted it during my period of apprenticeship.  Fever goes up to 40 – 41˚C, but the next day there would be no fever whatsoever.   We would lie in the infirmary for a few days, and there were medicines like quinine, and antiprin, I would take them and get along. 

Of course I lost quite a bit of weight during that time.   The military served me as a major lesson in my life.  I forgot about being a child of the streets, and learned about obeying given orders, that is to say, I learned discipline.  Everyone would be wearing the same uniform, and treated the same way, and I benefited a lot from the military.

I was 23 years old when the military service ended.  At first, I wanted to do a business that I liked.  I was in the business of representation and commerce before the military.   I took care of banking for an importing firm.  However, on my return from the military, I learned that the firm had closed.


Nesim Levi