Tag #126089 - Interview #98790 (Nesim Levi)

Selected text
I entered the ladies’ and gent’s ready-made clothing business, which later became my own business, with the help of an acquaintance.  Nebabish worked on outer wear like raincoats and overcoats.  The owners were two Jewish brothers.  Their names were Nesim Behar and Viktor Behar.  I learned about the business slowly working with them.  That year, because of this job, I started paying more attention to what I wore.

I progressed in my business.  My salary had gone up too.  My first paycheck was something like 80–90 liras.  This was good money in the 1947’s.  I used to help my family, my father’s health was failing.  My older sister also was working in a sewing workshop as a skilled tailor.

In 1958, I started a business on my own, with partners.  They put the capital, and I put my work experience.  We didn’t earn huge amounts of money, but we had a better situation than before.   We left a house with two bedrooms and moved to an apartment flat in Sisli.


Nesim Levi