Tag #126118 - Interview #98790 (Nesim Levi)

Selected text
Most of my friends were Jewish.  Some of our friendships still continue: Pepo - Ester Tovim, one of their sons is Jak, the other Sami.  Jak Memi and his wife Alegre Memi.  Around the time of his son Sami’s bar-mitzvah...  There was Albert Adato, his wife Sofi and son Moris.  The name of my partner was Albert Kucukbahar.  His wife Elmas and two daughters, Meri and Suzi.  My partner was 15 years younger than me.  We socialized once in a while.

Once a week, we went out to dinner with friends without fail..  We used to go to a restaurant on the Bosphorus or to the steak houses in Cekmece.  I sometimes did not attend lunches because of games.   I had season tickets, when there was a game of Galatasaray, I went to watch it without fail. 

Before the game, we used to take the children to one of the meat restaurants in Kucukcekmece.  There were big play areas, the girls had fun there.  After the girls turned 15, they stopped going out with us.  Viki attended Robert College [14].  Sara was studying in Saint Benoit.  They were going out in groups with their own friends.


Nesim Levi