Tag #126128 - Interview #98790 (Nesim Levi)

Selected text
Viki finished Industrial Engineering in Bosphorus University the same year and was working at El-Al, and would fly to Israel once in a while.  She used to visit her friends from college who were in Jerusalem University.  On one occasion, she met my current son-in-law, Yuda.  Yuda Lerden was born in Istanbul. 

The names of his mother and father are Ester and Ibrahim Lerden.  Yuda had immigrated from Turkey around 15 years of age, and attended highschool and university there.  I, as a father, did not know much about Yuda.  I learned about it last.  I had principles.  Viki had once told me “Dad, we cannot do anything against your wishes, you brainwashed us so much.  So just relax”.

One day, in the beginning of 1979, she had not graduated yet, and she told me a friend was coming from Israel and that she would come home late.  Apparently it was Yuda...  I asked my daughter, what are your intentions with this guy?  I am thinking of getting married here, and living in Israel, she said.  And we married Viki to Yuda in 1979 in Neve Shalom Synagogue.  We had the celebration in Tarabya Hotel.  Yuda’s father is now deceased, yet his mom still lives in Jerusalem today.

Sara married first.  Then Viki.  But Viki left for Israel before her.  Sara and her family first went to the Ulpan in Ramat Aviv, meaning to Beit-Milman. She started working in a real estate firm.


Nesim Levi