Tag #126205 - Interview #98790 (Nesim Levi)

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Last month we lost my older sister Rejin [we had to take a break from our interview because of this] and I went to the synagogue every day.  She suffered for eight months.  She has two adult daughters and five grandchildren.  One of them had gone to Israel around 1978.  Her daughter Cela.  Her husband Mondi
Cakir.   Chemical engineer.  He is a very valuable person, very cultured, speaking three or four languages.  Sara Reyna and her husband Yasar Reyna.  They have one daughter and one son.

Both of my older sister’s sons-in-law are very respectful, good sons-in-law who love their spouses.  Cela even has a great-grandchild.  Her older son is married too.  Both my sister and I had five grandchildren each. We get together very often.  Like during Passover or Rosh Ashana.


Nesim Levi