Tag #126744 - Interview #78141 (Bina Dekalo)

Selected text
Many Jewish families lived in Yambol. They were mainly merchants and craftsmen. All spoke to each other in Ladino; they were very united and were free to celebrate all Jewish religious holidays. The people united around Zionist organizations such as the General Zionists [4], Poalei Zion [5], Maccabi [6] and others in the town. Both young and old were members of Maccabi. On Yom Ashekel [7] the Maccabi members made a manifestation wearing sports clothes, passing along the main street of the town and all people would go out to watch them. The whole town danced with them. During that time all Jews were very inspired by the ideas of Theodor Herzl [8] for the foundation of the Jewish state and Yom Ashekel was a day when they raised money to buy lands in Palestine.


Bina Dekalo