Tag #126920 - Interview #78042 (David Elazarov)

Selected text
In the 1960s I became head of the department 'Propaganda and Campaigns' in the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party [BCP]. I was also awarded the title 'Honored Citizen of Sofia'. From 1970 to 1989 I was director of the Institute on History of the BCP. In the institute I was a contributing author to a number of international scholarly works - 'The Reichstag Fire Trial and Georgi Dimitrov' [16], 'The Biography of Georgi Dimitrov' and the six volumes of the big Bulgarian Encyclopedia. [Editor's note: after 1989 the publishing of the encyclopedia encountered difficulties and it is still not finished.] I was also an editor-in-chief of the almanac of the institute. All that time, during the 1970s and the 1980s, I was five times deputy in the National Assembly, first a candidate member and then a member of the Central Committee of the BCP.


David Elazarov