Tag #126927 - Interview #78042 (David Elazarov)

Selected text
I must confess, although it is not nice to tell such things, that I suffered a lot for being a Jew. I wasn't allowed many things. But thanks to my persistence I achieved, in my opinion, incredible things. I was the only Jew from Bulgaria who chaired an international meeting in Moscow. Some of my problems ended when I received the title 'Hero of the Socialist Labor', which went together with the 'Georgi Dimitrov' order. [This is an honorable title, which was the highest order for labor activities in the People's Republic of Bulgaria until 1989. It was accompanied by a Gold Star and the highest order 'Georgi Dimitrov' which is an order for special merit]. And I wore this Gold Star only in the Soviet Union. Anti-Semitism is a very unpleasant thing.


David Elazarov