Tag #127073 - Interview #78448 (Eli (Eliyau) Perahya)

Selected text
On the other hand, I do recall my father acting as a reporter for some foreign journals and newspapers, and having a Zionist point of view. In fact when Nahum Sokolov [6], the Hebrew writer, a pioneer in modern Hebrew journalism and president of the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency, visited Istanbul, the interview he made with him in Pera Palas Hotel was published in a foreign newspaper, I don’t remember which, but probably one in German. [Editor’s note: Designed by the French architect Alexander Vallaury and opened in October 1891, the Pera Palas Hotel was built primarily for use of passengers coming from Paris to Istanbul.] My father used the signature Yifrah as a pseudonym when he wrote in local Jewish weekly newspapers like El Tiempo [7] and La Vera Luz [8]. I still sign some of my writings in my column, named La Huente [fountain/source], on the Judeo-Spanish page of the Shalom [9] newspaper with Ben Yifrah [Hebrew for Son of Yifrah].


Eli (Eliyau) Perahya