Tag #127086 - Interview #78448 (Eli (Eliyau) Perahya)

Selected text
Friday as the Muslim holiday of the week was later replaced by Sunday [see Reforms in the Turkish Republic] [12]. Naturally Saturday was a holiday for us Jews in any case. The custom was: after going to the synagogue on Saturday mornings, we visited our uncles and aunts in their homes. Aunt Rachel, Aunt Regine etc. We used to go either to the newly opened movie theater in the neighborhood next to the famous grocery shop Niko’s, where a Jewish lady, Ms. Abenkual, was also a partner, or to the movie theaters in Altiyol Bahariye [district not far from Haydarpasha]. I used to watch films like ‘La Porteuse de Pain’ [aka ‘The Bread Peddler’] and ‘Les Deux Gamines’ [French movie, lit. translation: ‘The Two Brats’] in those theaters. I don’t remember what they were about now; it was a long time ago. Besides the Jewish religious holidays, national holidays like the Day of the Republic [13] and Liberation Day of Istanbul [14] were celebrated with enthusiasm with the whole neighborhood.


Eli (Eliyau) Perahya