Tag #127181 - Interview #97664 (Yasef Romano)

Selected text
I liked soccer and music.  They provided me with private lessons because I liked music. I did not play any instrument, I only took tonality lessons. We had stone records.  We had a gramophone. We did not take vacations that much in my childhood. We would go to  Karaagac on the weekens in Edirne with my family. We had a house there. In my childhood, there were two or three taxis in the city. We went to Karaagac every Friday at lunch time with my mother. My father stayed in Edirne because he had to be in the temple on Saturday. My father would come on Saturday in the evening. We sometimes went on Saturday morning. All the Jews would come there. It was a perfect summer resort. I don’t remember it but all the embassies, Greek embassy, Bulgarian embassy, American embassy had house there.


Yasef Romano