Tag #127225 - Interview #97664 (Yasef Romano)

Selected text
I do not get involved in politics. Cem Boyner had formed a party.  He offered me to form his party’s Thrace section. I did not accept this.  He was going to give me all the responsibility for Thrace. I was the president of Rotary. Rotary is always on a higher level. Of course he wanted support from me as a Rotarian to increase his financial power. I did not accept it.  Only, I have a point of view, for a rich person and a poor person to be equal.  For a poor person to get the same care and to live as a rich person does.  You might say, he has money, the other doesn’t, but I believe in supporting the poor.  I think I lean towards the left a little with that point of view.  I live a regular life, but the poor person there cannot, my conscience bothers me.  That is why there are differences of class all the time unfortunately.


Yasef Romano