Tag #127350 - Interview #98039 (Izak Sarhon)

Selected text
Both my parents were born in Istanbul.  I don’t know which schools they went to.  What I do know is, they both read in French.  They bought the “Journal d’Orient”.  [1] Their native languages were French and Ladino.  They spoke to us, their children in “Espanyol”, Ladino.  They spoke French amongst themselves.  I remember being very young and tell them when I heard them speaking French “avlaremos en ‘oui’” [”avlaremos en” are words in Ladino that mean “let us speak in” and of course “oui” is the French word for “yes”].  I didn’t know French but as “oui” was a word I had heard frequently I told them I wanted to speak in “oui”.  I wanted to learn this language.


Izak Sarhon