Tag #127357 - Interview #98039 (Izak Sarhon)

Selected text
My family was quite religious.  My parents used to practise their religion and that must have been because they had seen and been trained in their respective homes by their own parents.  They used to practise all the traditions:  kasherut [Kashrut], shabat [Sabbath] , Pesah [Pesach], everything.  They had different sets of kitchenware for Pesah [Pesach] even.  [everything that was not made of glass was changed for Pesah] All the kitchenware used to be changed in Pesah [Pesach].  They called this different set, “loksa”.  I also remember that my father used to say his “tefila” [morning prayers] and put on his tefillim [tefillin] every morning.

My father used to read religious books.  He was very serious about his morning prayers.  When I was very young I used to do the same, but when I went abroad I “loosened up”.

For example, when Pesah [Pesach] came, the night before there was a ritual of leaving bread crumbs in the darkest corners of the room.  Then the next day, there was an in-depth cleaning and all the crumbs were found and the house was purified.  That is a tradition we had.

Then of course, we were careful with kasherut rules [kashrut].  All meat was bought from the Jewish butcher. 

My father couldn’t go to the synagogue every day because he was working but any day that he did not work and on all the holidays he would go to the synagogue.


Izak Sarhon