Tag #127361 - Interview #98039 (Izak Sarhon)

Selected text
Our relative, Vitali Aseo, who was the mukhtar [administrator] of Ortaköy, also had a nightclub.  He worked as the mukhtar in one room and the other side of the building was the night club.  Every night “ince saz” [Turkish classical musicians] would play there.  A friend of my father’s, who lived in Kuzguncuk [a well-known Jewish district on the Asian coast of the Bosphorus] played the Oud and he was part of the “ince saz”, too.  As they were late playing music every night, he could not return to his house and would come and stay in our house.  When he came to our home, they used to give him food and he would play for the family.  I was very young at the time, and even though I wanted to, I never got the chance to listen to him play because I was fast asleep by the time he came.


Izak Sarhon