Tag #127404 - Interview #98039 (Izak Sarhon)

Selected text
When I returned to Turkey, I opened a bureau of “comission importation”.  My cousin Mordo Perez told me a friend of his, Jak Rutli was looking for a partner in business and so Jak Rutli and I became partners and opened the business.  We imported lots of different products.  I did the correspondence side of the business and my partner did the sales part.  Then the import business did not go well, so we closed the business and I started working as an account.  I worked as the accountant of a firm that produced cloth, and called “Yuntip” until 1980.  Then I worked as freelance accountant with a partner until I retired.  After I retired, I continued to keep the accounts of a firm until last year [2003].


Izak Sarhon