Tag #127432 - Interview #98039 (Izak Sarhon)

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When we meet with our friends, the Matalons and the Behars nowadays, we usually chat as we are now quite old.  We talk about politics, illnesses and we play cards a little bit.  The men play poker and the women play canasta.

We used to go on holidays in the summers until 2 years ago, but I don’t enjoy that as much any more.  We used to go to the Aegean coast mostly.  We used to travel by bus to these resorts and it was quite tiring actually because even when you go to the Aegean, the bus trip takes at least 12 hours.  We usually went if one or more of our friends went, too.  I enjoy a holiday if there is good company.  Nowadays however, I have grown too old to enjoy swimming and going on long trips to the Aegean or the Mediterranean.


Izak Sarhon