Tag #127439 - Interview #98039 (Izak Sarhon)

Selected text
Nowadays I spend my days doing some work for my daughter-in-law, Karen, who is running the sephardic research center in Istanbul.  We found out one day that I could read what she kept calling “the rashi letters” [13].  I never knew they were called that.  We always read the passages written in the prayer books with these letters automatically and never questioned what they were.  Then one day, Karen brought me a text and I immediately started to read.  She was so happy.  She has embarked on this big project of transliterating the Meam Loez [the greatest literary work written in Judeo-Spanish.  This is a series of books, which consist of the interpretation of the Tora.  It was started by Rabbi Yaakov Hulli of Istanbul in 1730 and continued by other rabbis after Hulli’s death until the last book in 1930.] and I am helping her in this.   I love being useful, and this work has become an addiction.  I spend long hours at my old and outdated typewriter and this makes me happy.


Izak Sarhon