Tag #127824 - Interview #97497 (Sami Schilton)

Selected text
I was born in Bursa in 1921.  I lived there until I was one, and then my family and I moved to Istanbul and went to live in my mother’s father’s house in Kuzguncuk.  My mother raised me.  We did not have a nanny or “mademoiselle” [governess], and I never went to kindergarden either.  I did not have many friends when I was little; my mother’s friends came to visit and I would sit with them.  There were not any children my age at that time among my mother’s friends so I did not use to play. 

The house in Kuzguncuk had two floors, it was made of wood and had a very nice garden.  There were chicken coops in the garden.  They did not use to plant anything in the garden.  I remember there were also cats.  I can’t remember how many rooms the house had, but there was a kitchen and a bathroom.  The furniture was of the kind everybody had at that time, and they were quite mediocre.  We had water from the taps but we did not have electricity, we had gas lamps.  We also had braziers and stoves for heating.  I remember the books that my grandfather had in the house.  My grandfather always read religious books in Hebrew.  He was very religious and knew Hebrew very well.


Sami Schilton