Tag #127855 - Interview #97497 (Sami Schilton)

Selected text
When I was a kid, we used to apply all Jewish traditions in our home.  We practised Kasherut [kashrut], we celebrated all the holidays, and of course we read the Agada [hagaddah] at Pesah [pesach].  We used to go to the synagogue on all the Jewish holidays.  We sometimes went on Saturday morning as well.  I often accompanied my father to the synagogue.  I, myself went every Friday evening. 

I learned Hebrew and got a religious education, too.  I was privately tutored by our previous Chief Rabbi, Rav David Asseo [13].  I was his student.  I did not go to the synagogue for lessons, our teacher used to come to our houses.  David Asseo was not the Chief Rabbi then, he was a professor of Hebrew.  8-10 of us used to gather in a home, every week a different home and he used to come and teach us Hebrew and the Tanah [tanakh].  I never went to the Yeshiva or the Mahazike Tora.  My family never taught me anything, they just made sure I got lessons.  I used to pray and read the Tora [Torah] on Saturdays; my father usually didn’t.

We celebrated my Bar-Mitzva [bar mitzvah] at the Zulfaris Synagogue [14] in Karakoy.  I went on the teva [tevah]; there was no tradition of making speeches then; we only did the berahot [brochot] and the sefer-tora [Sefer Torah] ceremony.  Afterwards, our relatives came to visit to our home and we had a meal together.  In my time, these ceremonies were much lighter than they are today.  They were much simpler and less of a show off.

The Jewish holidays I liked best were Rosh Ashana [Rosh Hashanah] and Kipur [Yom Kippur].  These holidays affected me a lot with their meanings.  Pesah [Pesach] is a difficult holiday and I don’t like too much.  We can’t eat bread, there are a lot of fried dishes and therefore the food is really heavy and there is not much choice either.


Sami Schilton