Tag #127900 - Interview #89861 (Dan Mizrahy)

Selected text
At the creation contest ‘Crizantema de aur’ [‘The Golden Chrysanthemum’, a popular romance competition] held in Targoviste in 1969, my romance ‘Batranul tei’ [‘The Old Linden Tree’] was awarded the 2nd prize. For the edition of 1970 I wrote two songs – ‘Inserare’ [‘Dusk’] and ‘Monedele’ [‘The Coins’]. The latter was awarded the 1st prize. In 1971 I wrote a light tune inspired by Tania Lovinescu’s lyrics. It was sung by the great singer Doina Badea and recorded by the Radio Company. The ‘entertainment’ orchestra of the Romanian Radio and Television Company was conducted by Sile Dinicu. It was my first light song and it was called ‘Daca’ [‘If’]. In that summer I composed a second one, called ‘Chiot’ [‘Shout’], based on the lyrics of Mariana Dumitrescu. Again, it was recorded by Doina Badea, but Cornel Popescu did the orchestration and conducted this time. I entered the [1971 edition of the] ‘Crizantema de aur’ with ‘Romanta toamnei’ [‘The Autumn’s Romance’], based on the lyrics of Tania Lovinescu. This time, at my request, the lyrics were cheerful, expressing the joy of meeting the fall and its flowers ‘in thousands of colors’ and culminating in a declaration of love addressed to the chrysanthemums. The result? ‘The Special Prize of the Composers’ Union’! It was the third year in a row when I came back with an award from Targoviste. ‘Pas mal’… [French for ‘Not bad’] In the fall of 1972 the romance ‘Primul fior’ [‘The First Thrill’], based on the lyrics of Constanta Campeanu and my music, got the 1st prize. In 1972 I also found the time to write the cycle ‘Fours songs for soprano and piano,’ based on the lyrics of Mariana Dumitrescu.


Dan Mizrahy