Tag #127903 - Interview #89861 (Dan Mizrahy)

Selected text
In 1975 I wrote several light music tunes. It was in that year that were born ‘Noptilor’ [‘To the Nights’] and ‘Floarea dragostei’ [‘The Flower of Love’], based on the lyrics of Alexandru Mandy. I have many important memories from that year too. From a professional point of view, it is worth mentioning that I managed to perform in public, playing the integral of the pieces for piano and orchestra by George Gershwin in the same concert. It consists of ‘Rhapsody in Blue’, the Concerto in F, the 2nd Rhapsody, and ‘I got rhythm.’ The event took place in Arad on 20th and 21st April, with Eliodor Rau conducting. As the local press pointed out, that was an absolute premiere – and not just a national one, but possibly an international one. None of the critics, musicologists and other experts, and none of the reviewers who were up to date with the specialized international publications had heard of such a performance so far. Anyway, what’s certain is that the event was an absolute premiere in Romania. In the years that followed, I did it repeatedly with various orchestras in the country. I quote, from memory, of course: Brasov, Iasi, Satu Mare, Timisoara, Oradea, and, eventually, Bucharest after 1989. In some cities like Arad or Timisoara I played ‘The Integral’ for three or four times; in others like Iasi or Satu Mare I played it twice and I also went on tours to the neighboring cities: to Piatra Neamt with the Iasi orchestra and to Baia Mare and Sighet with the Satu Mare orchestra.

The light tune ‘Care din doua?’ [‘Which of the Two?’], composed using a less common rhythm – 5/4 – entered the [national] music competition in Mamaia in 1976. Its lyrics are very funny. It’s a comparison between ‘the old love,’ which is ‘unmatched’ and ‘leaves a heavy trace,’ and the ‘new love,’ which ‘is worth as much as two’ and ‘one can’t live without it.’ The lyrics were written by H. Malineanu. I’ll quote some more, as I think it’s worth it: ‘Veche sau noua, care din doua? E o intrebare, nu? Nu pentru mine c-am ales bine, dragostea mea esti Tu’ [‘Old or new, which of the two? It’s a question, isn’t it? Not for me, for I have chosen well, my love is You’]. That was the only time I participated in the light music competition. It was a world I didn’t belong to. But I did continue to write light music and took pleasure in it too: ‘Drum implinit’ [‘Completed Way’], ‘Vers de dragoste’ [‘Love Verse’], ‘Leac pentru iubire’ [‘Cure for Love’], and ‘Cainele granicerului’ [‘The Frontier Guard’s Dog’] – which were all based on the lyrics of Eugen Rotaru – as well as the romance ‘Lumini si umbre’ [‘Lights and Shadows’], based on the lyrics of Malina Cajal, date back to 1976.


Dan Mizrahy