Tag #128002 - Interview #97497 (Sami Schilton)

Selected text
We have not had any conflicts with our children about their raising our granchildren according to Jewish traditions.  Our grandchildren are not religious but we do not say anything about this.  We do not force them into anything.  We let our children make their decisions.  Today we still gather the family and cook for them.  When we are alone with my wife we speak Judeo-Spanish, but with friends and our children we speak Turkish.

Our granchildren did not go to the Jewish school [24]; they went to Turkish schools.  My granddaughter is at university and my grandson has finished university and has become a doctor.  He is an occulist.

My granddaughter participates in community activities.  She is taking part in a play that is being performed at the ‘Dostluk Yurdu’ [Jewish youth club in Istanbul founded in 1966].


Sami Schilton