Tag #128210 - Interview #96644 (Josif Kamhi)

Selected text
At the beginning of June 1944 our whole family was interned to Pleven, the Kailuka area, where a concentration camp had been built [17]. We were shut in a wooden shed. They put it on fire during the night and my mother was burned alive. My mother had a long dress which got stuck between the boards of the house and she could not get out. I tried to pull her out, but I could not.

We were released on 21st August 1944. We went to Pazardzhik first, to Liza’s place. Liza was my mother’s sister. My father was sent to a labor camp in Enikioy [18]. My sister and I waited for our father and our brother to return. My father came back at the end of August 1944 and we celebrated 9th September 1944 there.


Josif Kamhi