Tag #128232 - Interview #78202 (Anelia Kasabova)

Selected text
I respected my father very much. He was left-wing. He was born in Svishtov and he used to organize the military actions of the resistance movement in Svishtov and that's why he was sentenced to 20 years of penal servitude in the town of Veliko Turnovo. My father had troubles with the authorities all the time, before and during World War II, because of his left-wing convictions and his anti-fascist activities. Inevitably, that influenced his relationship with my mother. My father was a communist and he was well-known in Svishtov district as the organizer of military actions against the pro-German policy of Bulgaria during World War II. [see Bulgarian legions] [3]

In 1932 my father was sentenced to twelve years of penal servitude in the town of Veliko Turnovo. He was released under an amnesty before 9th September 1944 [4]. He had a bad record and couldn't find work anywhere. He was requited after 9th September 1944 and he became an active fighter against fascism and capitalism. I kept in touch with my father all the time.

Veliko Turnovo

Anelia Kasabova