Tag #128408 - Interview #83865 (Galina Barskaya)

Selected text
I don’t remember my father keeping any Jewish holidays. He was not a religious man. But Grandmother, my aunt’s mother, kept all Jewish holidays. She prayed every day. At home she had the Talmud and a Jewish prayer book. She always wore a dark dress and a headscarf. I don’t remember her going to the synagogue, but she prayed at home. On Friday, before Sabbath, Grandmother lit candles every week. And every Sabbath she made a little celebration with the small portion of foodstuff we had at home – she was able to cook delicious dishes. I remember that on Purim she cooked Purim cakes – hamantashen – special cakes of triangle form that look like ears; they usually had poppy seeds and raisings and we liked to eat them very much.


Galina Barskaya