Tag #128831 - Interview #77990 (Eva Bato)

Selected text
There were three boys in the Elias family, and they all became Illes. Theeldest was Gusztav (1865-1945); he was my grandfather. The middle one wasImre, he was a doctor, and spent his entire career as an army doctor. Hewas a colonel in the army, and the commanding officer in the Szegedgarrison. The youngest was Emil, who lived in Felvidek. He is buried inBratislava. He spent more time in prison than out. After the first worldwar and Trianon, he became the president of the Hungarian Association ofFelvidek. He liked to talk a lot. Each time, he was sent to jail. Emil hada daughter who would have grown up in uncertain circumstances. Her motherdied in childbirth, and her father was in prison all the time. But GusztavIlles had three daughters, and took up Emil's daughter as the fourth.
Eva Bato