Tag #128867 - Interview #78778 (simon rapoport)

Selected text
We got married in 1957. We didn't have a wedding party. We just had our marriage registered in the state marriage registration office and didn't have any celebration. At that time I just started working and practically had no money. We have lived together since that time. We are happy to have found each other. In 2007 we are going to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary.

When I came back to Tallinn, neither I nor my mother and brother observed Jewish traditions. It was very difficult at that time. There was no synagogue in Tallinn [41]. It burned down in 1944 after the town had been bombed. The rabbi of Tallinn, Aba Gomer [42], was shot by Germans during the occupation of Estonia. There were no kosher products. As a matter of fact it was hard to get any products. Besides, the Soviet regime took an ardent struggle against religion [43]. It was better to conceal religiousness, especially for workers. Estonians were not against religion, but the new-comers, Soviet people, who were more and more overwhelming the country, were totally intolerant of any kind of religiousness, especially Jewish traditions.


simon rapoport