Tag #128874 - Interview #78068 (Boris Rubinstein)

Selected text
When I knew grandfather, he was old, not engaged in any public businesses, and taught Yiddish (his mother tongue) to his grandchildren. For about a year he taught my cousin and me. It found great pleasure in studying, although Grandfather was very strict in teaching Yiddish.

It was very difficult to get an excellent mark from him. He also knew Russian well, and had a very beautiful handwriting.

My mum was the youngest in the family, everybody's favorite, and, after grandmother's death, Granddad lived in our family. Mum tried to maintain his kosher principles. She cooked for him separately because my dad and mum were not strong religious.

Grandfather observed Saturday piously. I recollect such an episode. It was the beginning of Sabbath. My friend (a neighbor girl) and I wanted to put on the light in the kitchen, but could not reach the switch. We addressed Grandfather, who at that moment was covered with a talit, looked to the East and prayed, rocking to and fro.

" - Grandfather! Grandfather! "

"Gehe a wek" (go away) - he said.

I realized that he was entirely submerged in his prayers. When he stopped, he asked:

" - What do you want? "
" - Please, put on the light in the kitchen. "
" Gehe a wek, haint is schabes! " (Leave me alone! It's Sabbath


Boris Rubinstein