Tag #128936 - Interview #99859 (Isaac Serman)

Selected text
When Mikhail Gorbachev [48] declared a new course of the Party, I took it skeptically. It seemed to me that nothing would happen. In the end, perestroika [49] lead to the breakup of the USSR [in 1991]. I think that event was natural and it should happen. I live in the small state of Estonia. My peoples live in the small state of Israel. How could I feel calm when Estonia, which used to be independent and happy, was no longer a state in the Soviet Union, but became just a part of the Soviet Union? It was written in our passports that we – the citizens of the Estonian Soviet Republic became true citizens of Estonia only after independence was gained in 1991 [50].

The Jewish community of Estonia was founded before perestroika. When Estonia became independent it became the center, uniting all Jews of our country. The community means a lot for all of us. It has become a part of our life. The community was given the building of the former Jewish lyceum [51]. I often go there. There is the Council of War Veterans in our community. We get together two or three times per month. There is a good library in community. I take books there to read. I am a passionate reader.


Isaac Serman