Tag #129248 - Interview #78769 (Mariasha Vasserman)

Selected text
Mother’s family was an ordinary Jewish family, like most families in Friedelstadt. Neither Grandfather nor Grandmother were pious, but they respected and observed Jewish traditions. There was a synagogue and several prayer houses in town. On Sabbath and Jewish holidays the entire Jewish population of Friedelstadt went to the synagogue. They prayed at home on working days. Grandmother strictly observed the kashrut. There were separate dishes and tableware for meat and dairy dishes. Grandmother was a unique cook. She had a true culinary talent.

They had a small one-story house. Grandfather’s shop was next to it. There was a small plot of land by the house, where grandmother made a garden. She planted greenery there. Grandmother kept poultry in the coop- chicken and geese. The husbandry was not big, but still it was helpful.


Mariasha Vasserman