Tag #129260 - Interview #78769 (Mariasha Vasserman)

Selected text
My aunt cooked Jewish dishes. She didn’t quite know how to cook them, as when grandmother was alive, she didn’t trust anyone to cook and cooked everything herself. Thus, my aunt only partially remembered how grandmother cooked, and cooked offhand in a way. In the end, the food tasted good.

The Tallinn choral synagogue was no longer there. It burned down in 1944. There was a small prayer house my aunt went to on holidays. We also marked the holiday of the foundation of Israel. It meant much for us to have our own Jewish state, recognized globally. We didn’t mark Soviet holidays at home. We took them as common days off. Though, it was mandatory for all working people to attend demonstrations on the days of revolutionary holidays – 1st May, 7th November [33]. Directors were responsible for the presence of their employees, so I had to go there in order to not let my people down. It wasn’t hard for me to come over, meet people I knew, take a walk in the fresh air. It was fun. We even enjoyed those demonstrations.


Mariasha Vasserman