Tag #129400 - Interview #78777 (masha zakh)

Selected text
1948 was the time, when cosmopolitan cases [17] were prosecuted in the Soviet Union. This campaign was widely covered in the mass media. Since there were no cosmopolitans in Estonia, they fought wealthier farmers. They were called 'kulaks' [18], a common definition in the Soviet Union. In 1948 and 1949 resettlement [19] of large numbers of these farmers to Siberia was going on. The rest of them were forced to join the kolkhoz farms [20]. Also, those resettled on 14th June 1941, and were back from exile, were subject to resettlement again. The police had their records, and they were arrested again and were subject to resettlement to Siberia. Large numbers of people were affected then. The survivors returned to Estonia in the late 1950s, when rehabilitation [21] began, but many had died in exile and the Gulag camps [22].


masha zakh