Tag #129663 - Interview #78151 (sarah zauer)

Selected text
o begin my story I would first remember Mmy mother's grandfather Meir
Yasinover. He was a legendary person, because he kept both his faith and
his language although he served in the czarist army for 25 years. It took
much courage. When he returned home after the army, he married and lived
with his family in Balta, near Odessa.

His son Haim Yasinover, my grandfather, was born in 1855 and, after
finishing cheder, he lived with his family in Ananyev, near Odessa.
Grandfather did not serve in the army. His wife, Ester, my grandmother, was
uneducated. She took care of the household. They brought up nine children.
The native tongue in the family was Yiddish.

My grandfather and grandmother were very religious. As a regular visitor of
the synagogue, Grandfatherpa even had his personal place there. They kept a
kosher household. Shabbat was sacred. On Shabbat, the extended family - --
children, then grandchildren - -- gathered in their house. Grandmother
cooked perfectly the traditional Jewish dishes: kugel, latkes and kreplach.
But those dishes were prepared only on holidays, because the family was led
a very poor life and barely made ends meet.


sarah zauer