Tag #129669 - Interview #78151 (sarah zauer)

Selected text
My name is Sarah Sussana Liberman. I was born in Harbin in 1923, and I was
an only child. I lived there until 1938 and went to the English school. My
parents spoke Yiddish among themselves and Russian and Yiddish with me. We
had a very cozy, comfortable four-room flat - -- with a bath, hot water, --
nice furniture, a piano, radio and a Chinese servant who helped my mother
keep house. We read newspapers in Russian, English, and my father dad read
in Yiddish. We went to the public library. My parents had a few friends who
came to visit us. They were all Jews; my girlfriends were Jewish, too. My
childhood passed in peace and love.

My parents, especially Ffather, went to synagogue, but the family was more
secular than religious. Still, we ate kosher food at home and on Friday we
lit the Shabbat candles. On Friday evenings, we were at home or at
Grandfather's house. On Saturdays, we had lessons at school, so I had to
carry my books myself, read and write. We had only Sundays free. Of the
Jewish holidays, we celebrated Purim and Passover.

I was a happy child. On Sundays, I spent my time with my parents. We went
for a walk, to the cinema, we visited children's parties, and had dinner at
a restaurant. In the evening, my parents went to the theatre or to a


sarah zauer