Tag #129672 - Interview #78151 (sarah zauer)

Selected text
I met my future husband, Paul Zauer, in 1942 in an outdoor café where I
went with my girlfriend. Paul was Russian; he came with his mother from
Russia in 1922. He was an independent person by this time, six years older
than I. He worked as a foreman at a Swiss steel mill and took
correspondence courses at the London Architectural College. He spoke
Russian and English.

My relatives did not like it that he was Russian, and his relatives did not
like it that I was Jewish. TAs for us, it did not matter. We were going out
for almost two years, and our parents accepted it in the end. It was war
time, so our wedding was very modest - -- just the registration and a
festive party for the relatives. My husband and I were married for 44
years. The national question was never a cause of quarrel or difference of
opinions between us.


sarah zauer