Tag #129921 - Interview #78421 (Gavril Marcuson)

Selected text
On 10th May [2], I used to go to the military parade – I never missed one. The band would play, and then the various arms would defile: artillery, infantry, military engineers. In the end, the royal family would show up. When King Carol [I] [3] was buried, I was a year or two and I attended the funeral with my nanny. I remember King Ferdinand [4] and King Carol II [5], who was the most intelligent of the kings. I remember Prince Michael [King Michael I] [6]. I didn’t love the members of the royal family, but their pictures were all over the press. All you had to do was open a newspaper and come across the pictures of the king and of the princes. I remember Prince Nicholas [Ed. note: (1903-1977), prince; son of King Ferdinand I and of Queen Maria, younger brother of King Carol II], who drove a speed car that was unusual for Bucharest.


Gavril Marcuson