Tag #130104 - Interview #78257 (Judita Sendrei)

Selected text
The moment the Hungarians entered Subotica in 1941, we could no longer
gather in the Ken (Jewish youth club). This was when the president of the
Jewish community was Dr. Zoltan Loran. My friend Alisa Francuska and I
suggested that we get some wool and that we knit winter things for those
people who had been taken into forced labor brigades, as many Jews had been
then. This knitting usually was arranged around a lecture on culture.

On March 19, 1944 the Germans arrived in our city and I had to start
going to school wearing a yellow star. My father convened a family assembly
and asked his closest relatives if they wanted to try and save their lives
by converting to Catholicism. I was the most vocal with my answer. I said
that it was not even a consideration: "Never! I will remain a Jew until the


Judita Sendrei