Tag #130829 - Interview #78461 (Stefan Guth)

Selected text
I remember an episode with my friend, Ini Brauning, who was also a worker, and I. We had a maths examination with professor Goia, a renowned teacher in Brasov at that time; he used to call four students to the blackboard and give them an exercise to solve. The first from our group knew something about the subject, but he got stuck; the second student scribbled some figures on the blackboard, but he couldn’t finish the exercise. ‘You go on!’, the professor told Ini Brauning. ‘But…you know, I don’t know!’, Ini answered. Then the professor points at me. But Ini said, ‘He doesn’t know either!’ ‘How do you know?!’, the professor asked him. ‘We studied together!’, Ini answered. And he answered truthfully, Ini was so funny because he meant it, he didn’t say it as a mockery! Fortunately, the professor enjoyed the answer, said, ‘Go to hell!’ and gave each of us a ‘5’, so we passed the exam.


Stefan Guth