Tag #130845 - Interview #78461 (Stefan Guth)

Selected text
I never had problems with communism, but my wife did because the Securitate [17] wanted to recruit her as an informer. By that time I was export representative of the Ministry of Agriculture for the counties of Covasna, Brasov and Sibiu, so I worked in foreign trade, and I was also a Jew, and they were probably interested in the Jewish community in Brasov. So she was repeatedly visited and pressured by a Securitate officer, who of course introduced himself under a false name, under the threat that if she wouldn’t collaborate, I would lose my job. It would have been a problem, both my children were studying medicine in Cluj and we needed money to support them, but my wife said ‘No’ and that was definite. Nothing happened after that, I didn’t lose my job. My wife told me that after the Romanian Revolution of 1989 [18] she saw this officer in the street, coming towards her. When he recognized her, he immediately crossed the street and disappeared.


Stefan Guth