Tag #132606 - Interview #78074 (hanna ferber)

Selected text
So I left the Institute and I started to look for a job, because during the war we were punished for not working. Without knowing Russian, I went to a tailor's workshop. They repaired military clothes and did some tailoring too. I was to sew on buttons and make loops. But I was a very bad worker - I couldn't follow the design. I didn't understand what a pattern design was, and what I was supposed to do. I was always the last one on the list, and was badly scolded for it. I worked at this workshop until I got an invitation to come to the military committee, the Vojenkomat. I came to the Vojenkomat and was told that I was to be taken for courses held by the communists. I told them that I hadn't mastered the Russian language and that I didn't have any idea how they were going to teach me. They were collecting communists, apparently to send them to the front line [2].


hanna ferber