Tag #132608 - Interview #78074 (hanna ferber)

Selected text
I also have a daughter. My daughter Fira was born in 1952. I was very happy when she was born, because I wanted a daughter so badly. The doctor said at the beginning of my labor, 'The Ferbers again have a son!' But when I saw the bracelet given to all newborn, the doctor had crossed out 'boy' and put 'girl' instead. From the very first day of her life, we had a nurse for Fira. This nurse lived with us for 13 years. My daughter graduated from the Faculty of Russian Philology at Latvia University. Now she is a businesswoman. Fira has a daughter named Ada. Our daughter married a Russian, a wonderful man by the name of Oleg Maniyev, who died of cancer when he was 47. But when Fira's daughter, Ada, went to get her passport she registered as Jewish [10].

I followed the Jewish traditions at home; my children knew when Pesach and the Jewish New Year were; we baked matzah and went to the synagogue. I observed the traditions, and so did my husband's parents.


hanna ferber