Tag #133155 - Interview #78076 (pavol skalicky)

Selected text
My wife, Eva, comes from Kosice, too. In 1977, she gave birth to our
daughter, Linda, who studied medicine in Kosice.

I have more documents about my mother's family than my father's side. My
maternal grandmother, Irma Weissová, was born on March 5, 1882, in
Prievidza. She lived with our family until she died on June 11, 1969, in
Kosice. Her parents were Július Steiner, who was born in Bosáca, Slovakia;
and Júlia Lovingerová, who was born in Austria. I don't know the exact
place of her birth. From my mother I learned that she lived 103 years. My
great-grandparents had 10 children - six girls and four boys. One of the
girls was Irma Steinerová, my grandmother.

My grandmother Irma married Adolf Weiss. They had seven children - five
sons and two daughters. One of those was my mother, Edita Weissová. My
mother had a high school education and worked as a shop assistant.

Grandfather Weiss was born in 1877, but died quite young in 1920, at the
age of 43, just after the youngest girl, Josefina, was born. My mother was
only 2 when she lost her father. At the time of his death, my grandfather
was a groundskeeper of Pálfy properties in Bojnice. He was killed in a
traffic accident while driving a horse carriage. The reason why the horses
started to stampede is not known but the carriage toppled, and my
grandfather did not survive. My grandmother did not marry again and,
according to my uncle, she could hardly accept her fate, that her husband
died and that she would have to take care of seven children by herself.
However, her parents were well-situated, and helped her. They continued
helping her until her sons completed their educations, and took over the
responsibility of supporting their mother. The family not have big
financial problems.


pavol skalicky