Tag #133157 - Interview #78076 (pavol skalicky)

Selected text
Július and Júlia Steiner (nee Lovingerová), my great-grandparents and the
parents of my grandmother Irma, had 10 children. The boys were Jozef,
Izidor, Jakub and Eugen. Jozef completed a secondary school in Prievidza
and worked as the head of the post office in Dolny Kubín. Izidor lived in
Topolcany. He had a workshop where he dealt with agricultural machines. He
was married, but didn't have children. Jakub Steiner was a skilled
mechanic, a locksmith, who immigrated very early to the USA and, after
that, no one from the family ever heard from him again.

Eugen Steiner was a veterinarian. He worked in Szolnok and Budapest, and he
owned a farm in Sáshalombata, near Budapest. After the war, he immigrated
to the USA. There he had two children. One of them, George, became a
medical doctor. He studied in Vienna and in Lausanne and, after getting a
degree, he established a clinic in New York. He died at a car accident in
the USA, leaving two children.


pavol skalicky