Tag #133165 - Interview #78269 (katarina mullerova)

Selected text
My father had one brother, who left for Palestine in 1938, and from
Palestine to England, where he joined the Foreign Legion. His name was
Rudolf, but he changed it to Benton when he arrived in the United Kingdom.
He died in London in 1974. His wife is alive, as is their daughter, Katy
Peters. She lives in London and works as director of a Jewish school.

My mother's parents and my father's mother died in Auschwitz. I think there
was not one family in Galanta in which children born after the war had
grandparents. That is the biggest handicap - when a child does not know his
grandparents and cannot find the support, the knowledge, the family
stories. I was very happy that my mother lived to see her granddaughter,
Vierka. My mother was very proud of her and loved her very much.

When my father died, the community in Galanta was very supportive. People
knew each other very well and also helped each other. I have especially
fond memories of the Katz family. Editnéni Katz, Aunt Edith, was from Zitno
ostrov. My mother came from the same place; that's why they were so close.
And there were two other women who also came from Zitni ostrov. They were
Mrs. Kramerová (née Goldbergerová) and Mrs. Schultzová, from Tomásov. They
were very supportive and friendly, until, one after the other, they died.

My mother had family buried in Mliecno, near Samorín. There is an Orthodox
cemetery in the town, but nobody visits it any more. The cemetery still
exists, but since 1949, nobody has been buried there.


katarina mullerova