Tag #133950 - Interview #99250 (Veronika Kosikova)

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After the Slovak National Uprising [1] started, our family split up. My parents went to the mountains with the partisans. My father was fighting, my mother helped wherever she could. However, later they were separated and didn’t know about each other. They met again after the war by chance. Then they found me. After the war, my parents moved to Levice, where we lived until 1957.

I have quite a lot of photographs from the Holocaust period. I think that my parents wanted to take pictures, they knew, the situation was very bad. Although I was only a child I have memories from this period but I don’t like to talk about it.

We lived somewhere else; my mother says this is a different address, but I cannot remember that place. I have a photo a woman, who helped us in our household, I was hiding at her’s some time, alone. Her name is Julka Sykorova, she came from Male Chyntice, Zlate Moravce or Vrable district, I don’t know exactly. We were in contact with her long after the war. I called her Julka neni; in a certain period of my life she was like my second mother.


Veronika Kosikova