Tag #134623 - Interview #101544 (Dr. Janos Gottlieb )

Selected text
Artur Klein had one son, who died during World War II, the other had a daughter, who didn’t come home from deportation, and a son, who came home from work service – he was called Istvan Klein, he was called Klein like my grandmother. I met Istvan Klein in Kolozsvar after the war; I have to tell you what happened to him.

He was older than me, and he was doing work service. When his unit was retreating, he managed to detach himself from his companions and hid away. The Soviet troops were following them; he waited them with open arms, but the Russians caught him and took him to Russia to work in a prison [3].

So one could speak to him about socialism endlessly, he couldn’t be convinced about how good the Soviet system was.
Dr. Janos Gottlieb