Tag #135264 - Interview #78133 (Faina Khorunzhenko)

Selected text
I remember the day when war broke out [on 22nd June 1941]. I was preparing for an exam on the history of the Ukraine and was reading Grushevsky's book - a big volume with a leather cover. Now people say that Grushevsky was banned in the Ukraine, but back then we all studied his books. I was sitting on the porch, holding the book on my knees. The window was open towards the porch, and I could hear the radio. Suddenly, I heard the word 'fascists'. I did not react because I thought I had misheard something. And then I heard 'they attacked...', and it was already Molotov's address. I jumped up, and the book fell on my feet - I had two bruises on my feet for a long time afterwards. The building of our institute was immediately transformed into a hospital.


Faina Khorunzhenko