Tag #135624 - Interview #101687 (Berta Grunstein )

Selected text
My maternal grandparents were also engaged in corn-trading; well, in fact the Jews were all engaged in trading, but they [the grandparents] were not so well-to-do. Their house in Herina had three rooms and a kitchen, they didn’t have a servant. On Fridays, when they were coming from the fair, they dropped in to us, and my mother welcomed them with food and pies. Grandfather Rosenfeld was religious, but he wasn’t bearded; my grandmother had a wig, they all had, even my mother. The synagogue in Herina was bigger than that one in Szeretfalva, because there were more Jews. There was a shochet too, and a Jewish bath next to the synagogue; in Szeretfalva there wasn’t any, so people used to go to Herina to bath.


Berta Grunstein