Tag #135627 - Interview #101687 (Berta Grunstein )

Selected text
In school we learnt in Romanian. I went to school in the morning, and in the afternoon I went to the cheder. From first to forth class we had a teacher, then from fifth to tenth class we had different teachers. [2] In school we were together with Romanian children, we were friends. I was in the seventh or eight degree, when Hungarians came in, and for one year I learnt in Hungarian, though I didn’t speak Hungarian at all, I learnt the language only when I came to Marosvasarhely. Every Jewish girl and boy from our village attended the cheder, I even knew how to write in Hebrew. My teacher asked me to write a letter in Hebrew to my parents, and I could do it, but today I can’t write in Hebrew anymore. Our school was a big one with ten classes, because there were many children in Szeretfalva, but I don’t know how many inhabitants were there. There was no possibility there to learn to play the piano; when I got married after the war, and I came here, to Marosvasarhely at the age of nineteen, I learnt to play the piano at Velemenyi. [Editor’s note: At that time she was a well-known piano teacher in Marosvasarhely.] I had a big Hohner accordion too, but I sold it.


Berta Grunstein